Celebrating August Birthstones

The Versatility of Peridot and Spinel

Peridot Birthstone

August the month where the summer heat subtly begins to yield to the cool whisper of fall. As the eighth month in the calendar year, August holds a significant charm reflected in its birthstones: the vivacious Peridot and the multifaceted Spinel. If you're born in this month, you're fortunate to have not one, but two exceptional birthstones to choose from.

Peridot: A Touch of Summer's Green

Peridot, August's primary birthstone, is a gem that carries the spirit of summer within its verdant hue. Known for its signature lime green color, peridot has been a gem of light for centuries. The Ancient Egyptians referred to these vibrant green gems as 'the gem of the sun', and they were believed to protect against nightmares and bring the wearer power, influence, and a wonderful year.

Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color, albeit in various shades of green. It ranges from a yellowish-green to a brownish-green, with the most valuable being a dark olive-green. Whether set in a ring, pendant, or earrings, peridot adds a warm, energetic touch reminiscent of late summer when the leaves are still green, and the days are filled with sunshine.

Spinel Birthstone - A Gem of Many Colors

Spinel: A Gem of Many Colors

In 2016, the Jewelers of America and the American Gem Trade Association introduced a second birthstone for August: the spinel. This addition provided another vibrant option for those born in this month.

What makes spinel truly mesmerizing is its range of colors. It comes in a multitude of hues - from rich reds, pastel pinks, and deep blues to nearly any color in between. Its impressive range, coupled with its brilliance and hardness, make it an attractive and durable gemstone for jewelry.

The most famous spinels are the red ones, often mistaken for rubies in the past. In fact, some of the most notorious 'rubies' in crown jewels around the world are actually spinels. This earned the spinel the nickname 'the master of disguise' in gemstone circles.

Celebrating August with Peridot and Spinel

Whether you're celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or any milestone in August, peridot and spinel offer fantastic choices for memorable gemstone gifts. The vibrant green peridot, with its sunshine-like warmth, encapsulates the essence of late summer. On the other hand, the versatile spinel, with its array of potential colors, offers a palette as diverse and transitional as the month of August itself.

If you're an August baby, or simply a gemstone enthusiast, the enchanting world of peridot and spinel is certainly worth exploring. These two stones, each unique and full of character, truly encapsulate the vibrancy and versatility of those born in August. So, here's to the beautiful month of August and its equally beautiful birthstones!


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